Created to suit any look, Pavel is the ultimate solution for adventuresome days on the move. With a black upper adorned with detailing in pink and dark gray, this sneaker has been crafted from a leather-effect material and nylon and boasts a running-shoe design. The double velcro strap closure allows it to be readily slipped on and makes it totally adjustable. The durable TR outsole not only ensures flexibility, lightness and an effective grip, it has also been enhanced with our exclusive Geox-patented system for breathability. Last but not least, the removable footbed provides hygiene and practicality.
- Upper: 63% Synthetic-37% Textile , Lining: 100% Textile
- Outsole: 100% Synthetic Material, Insole: 100% Textile
- Removable insole
- Double velcro strap closure
- Durable TR outsole